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Distributor Valve C3W Type 

Distributor Valve is a graduated release valve universal type, used in freight rail wagons and Locomotives.

Distributor valve Repair Kit for KE-1 Type Distributor Valve

Relay Valve Faiveley Type

It is a variable pressure-reducing valve, sends pilot air to C2 relay valve to charge brake cylinder for application and release of loco brake independently. 

Relay valve Repair Kit KE1cSL POH Kit for Distributor  Valve

Brake Pipe with Coupling UIC and AAR Standard

The air brake hose couplings are provided in the brake pipe line throughout the train for connecting the brake pipe of adjacent wagons to form the complete rake.

Hose Pipe Repair Kit for Oerlikon EST 3F  Distributor Valve

Air Reducing Valve

This valve is also a variable pressure- reducing valve. Its duty is to send pilot air for charging/ exhausting B.P. pressure through C2W relay valve for releasing and application of loco and formation brake.

Air reducing valve Repair kit for P4A distributor valve

Angle Cock UIC Type

Angle cock is a valve used to control the flow of air between the air brake pipe and the air reservoirs on the train cars. It is an essential part of the air brake system, allowing the train's engineer or operator to apply or release the brakes.

 Angle cock

We are also supplier of aftermarket Locomotives Engine parts for ALCO, GE, EMD & CATERPILLAR. 

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